The Coronavirus Isn't Going Anywhere, Here's What To Do | Dr. Jennifer Haythe on

The Coronavirus Isn't Going Anywhere, Here's What To Do | Dr. Jennifer Haythe on

This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to for 10% off your first month. BetterHelp is an online counseling company with the mission to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient. Dr. Jennifer Haythe has worked through the center of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, and dealt with all of the medical, emotional and psychological consequences of that crisis. On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Jennifer Haythe discusses the immediate situation regarding the coronavirus, and also the long-term effects of the disease. Then, she and Tom get into a discussion about a topic that is on a lot of people’s minds as a result of COVID-19. They talk about death itself, how our culture doesn’t deal with it well, and what we need to do to make the dying process more humane. SHOW NOTES: [0:00] Intro: Tom explains why this is going to be a great episode and introduces Jennifer.
[1:09] COVID-19 Isn’t Over: Jennifer describes the experience of dealing with COVID-19 in New York City hospitals, and talks about what will be required to achieve herd immunity.
[8:39] COVID-19 Long Term: Jennifer explains why COVID-19 is so scary, how it damages so many different organs, and also why she is hopeful for those who recover.
[13:37] Protect Your Health: Jennifer details the steps people can take to keep themselves healthy, reduce their preexisting conditions, and improve their immune systems.
[21:39] Face Death: Jennifer discusses American’s unwillingness to face the reality of death, and why sometimes extraordinary measures at the end of life are unnecessary to the point of being unethical.
[29:49] Make Death Better: We project too many of our own feelings onto the dying, and if we want the dying process to be more humane we need to really learn to listen to patients.
[34:41] Culture & Death: Tom and Jennifer discuss the experience of seeing a dead body and why grief happens in such different ways, even to the same person. FOLLOW JENNIFER: WEBSITE:

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