Vacation Rentals: The Ultimate Guide by Christina VanDergrift
Christina VanDergrift understands the challenges of nurturing big dreams. After starting with little other than grit, determination, and a willingness to learn and put in the work, she built a rewarding career as a real estate expert and entrepreneur, ultimately creating a path to success and wealth, one step at a time. In an easy-to-read guide, VanDergrift relies on her professional experiences, trials, and errors to share a comprehensive roadmap that will help anyone decide whether owning and operating a vacation rental is the right choice, where to start, and the exact steps to begin the process. While walking others through her experiences in the industry, she provides valuable information on how to write a business plan, price and furnish a property, choose amenities, face unexpected challenges, and decide whether to self-manage or hire a property manager. Vacation Rentals: The Ultimate Guide is a go-to reference manual that provides everything aspiring entrepreneurs need to know about how to purchase and successfully operate a vacation rental. To learn more or order the book: Facebook:
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