Michelle Obama's 'Becoming' Is the Best-Selling Book of 2018 - Fortune


Michelle Obama's 'Becoming' Is the Best-Selling Book of 2018
1 seller in the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Greece and is being published in 31 languages. The book has become a mainstay on a number of lists, remaining at No. 1 on two New York Times bestseller lists, ...
Michelle Obama's 'Becoming' is the best-selling hardcover book of ...Washington Post
Michelle Obama's 'Becoming' is the best-selling book of the yearSan Francisco Chronicle
Michelle Obama's Becoming, Out Less Than a Month, Is the Best ...Vogue.com
Bustle -EW.com (blog) -Essence
los 133 artículos informativos »
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