Unwavering Focus and Concentration Meditation : Improve Memory, Brain Power, Stress Relief

Unwavering Focus and Concentration Meditation : Improve Memory, Brain Power, Stress Relief

Unwavering Focus and Concentration Meditation : Improve Memory, Brain Power, Stress Relief, Binaural Beats #GV986 by Good Vibes - Binaural Beats. This session is to be done with the Box Breathing Technique which will dramatically improve your Focus, Concentration, Memory & ability to Manage Stress. This technique helps you gain insight & self awareness also. Follow the steps given below:
1. Breathe in for a count of 5.
2. Hold your breathe for a count of 5.
3. Exhale all the air for a count of 5.
4. Again hold your breathe for a count of 5.
5. Now Repeat the process. Note: While inhaling fill your belly first then your upper chest and while exhaling let go from the chest first and then from your belly. Remember to inhale & exhale solely through your nose. You can do this anytime you like for at least 5-10 minutes. It is also very effective for Studying. Do it before and after your studies. Please Subscribe Now...If you haven't already. © Good Vibes all rights reserved. Libros de Filosofía Self-Help Books
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