Spiritual and Galactic Awakening by Judith L. Cameron, Ph.D.

Spiritual and Galactic Awakening by Judith L. Cameron, Ph.D.

This book by Judith L. Cameron, Ph.D. is the continuation of her true story of her ongoing encounters with benevolent extraterrestrials and the education that she has received from them throughout her life. She began sharing her story in her first book, “Caught Between Two Worlds…A Journey Through Time. She had a lucid dream that told her that part of her life’s work was to train to be an ambassador-a liaison between Earth humans and extraterrestrials when the star visitors come en masse on their first contact mission. Follow Judy’s continuing adventure from being a child of six and meeting her first extraterrestrials to her present-day encounters which have occurred in many different ways. Judy talks about the remarkable things she has learned from these benevolent beings, disclosure, and the awakening of the masses. She will take you around the world sharing with you the stargates that are present and who is assumed to have built them. Traveling around the globe to exotic places such as Bora Bora, Orpheus Island, Australia on the Great Barrier Reef, Hawaii, the great American Southwest, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Cairo, Egypt, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Judy’s story will enchant and at times, captivate you. Working as a public-school teacher for forty years teaching all grade levels, and at NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as an educational consultant, along with her work as a doctor of clinical hypnotherapy, have given Judy the background and credibility that she needs to carry out her mission. Follow Judy now as you learn of the wonderful possibilities for our future Earth. To learn more or order the book:
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