Perfect Your Health with the Power of Vitamin D | Dr. Joel Gould on Health Theory

Perfect Your Health with the Power of Vitamin D | Dr. Joel Gould on Health Theory

Vitamin D, gut health, and your microbiome. What actions must we take today to build ourselves up for a lifetime of undeniable health? How do we know if our diet, supplements, and environment are causing us harm rather than good? On this episode of Health Theory, Dr. Joel Gould joins Tom Bilyeu to address these questions head on and discuss the hidden benefits of Vitamin D that no one seems to be talking about. They reveal the root causes of symptomatic health problems, how your gut is influenced by Vitamin D, the negative impact of the vegan diet, how the key to aging is deuterium, why you should be eating grass-fed, which supplements to take and when, and the ‘must-dos’ to achieving optimal health. SHOW NOTES: Intro | Dr. Gould shares his story of Crohn’s Disease, weight change, and treatment. [0:18]
Root Causes | Dr. Gould introduces the importance of Vitamin D for a healthy gut. [4:59]
Your Gut | Dr. Gould discusses why he’s only one of few that are championing Vitamin D. [7:42]
Early Signs | Dr. Gould discusses oral health and the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price. [11:11]
Discovery | Dr. Gould shares the scientific discovery of Vitamin D. [13:37]
Trial & Error | Dr. Gould shares what the groundwork laid by Dr. Weston A. Price led to. [17:01]
Poison | Dr. Gould shares why he refers to big-pharma as petrochemicals. [20:20]
Health | Dr. Gould discusses the connection between the sun, diet, and Vitamin D. [24:05]
Father Time | Dr. Gould discusses what deuterium is and how it ages us. [26:54]
Grass-Fed | Dr. Gould reveals how humans evolved to eat things that ate grass. [31:47]
Seed Oils | Dr. Gould lists and discusses the common seed oils we need to avoid. [35:07]
The Villains | Dr. Gould discusses the villains that are causing harm to our health. [36:52]
Evolutionary Level | Dr. Gould defines the levels of Vitamin D for optimal health. [39:02]
The Third Villain | Dr. Gould discusses the effects of Vitamin D deficiency. [41:00]
Nutrient Density | Dr. Gould reveals why a vegan diet is not as healthy as you may think. [47:18]
Breaking Down | Dr. Gould how your diet and health decisions add up over a lifetime. [54:18]
K2 | Dr. Gould discusses Vitamin K2, its benefits, and how we get it. [58:29]
Supplements | Dr. Gould reveals the vitamins and minerals he supplements for. [1:01:55]
Children | Dr. Gould discusses the power of sleep has for children’s development. [01:06:01]
What You Can Do | Dr. Gould reveals his ‘must-dos’ for optimal health. [1:09:30] QUOTES: “… do not eat industrial seed oils, do not eat processed carbohydrates and sugar.” [25:42] “We literally utilize sunlight for so much more than Vitamin D. It literally charges the water in our bodies.” [40:50] “If you’re not sleeping properly, you are not repairing and regenerating. Simple as that.” [41:52] “Vitamin D literally is the power of sunlight in our bodes and that’s what keeps us young.” [45:39] FOLLOW JOEL:

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