I Am a Seed by Yves Doucet

I Am a Seed by Yves Doucet

In his debut book, I Am a Seed, author Yves Doucet offers his reflections on living a life of perpetual growth. Sharing intensely private stories of his career and family, he gives genuine examples of how journaling can impact one's existence. He explains how journaling helped him identify the most important things in his life, and how it helped him start again and grow. Doucet tells how journaling your thoughts exposes you to the truth of the confusion, enables unbridled personal growth, and frees you from the weight of a complex world. With sixty-six days' worth of thoughtful considerations to get you started, I Am a Seed presents a living book inspiring you to begin a journaling practice. Once you establish your journaling routine, your life will become less complicated, and your purpose will become much brighter. Through Doucet's messages, he communicates how regularly documenting your thoughts, feelings, and story leads to a better life. To learn more or order the book:
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