Create MOMENTUM, Take the First Step and EXECUTE on YOUR DREAMS with These EFFICIENCY HACKS

Create MOMENTUM, Take the First Step and EXECUTE on YOUR DREAMS with These EFFICIENCY HACKS

It doesn’t matter who you are, what your profession or industry may be, a common plight that is familiar to all of us is how to get started. Everyone struggles with getting started at some point. When you step into doing something new or tackle big goals and tasks that can feel overwhelming, not knowing where or how to start can be paralyzing. So, I’m taking you through the ABCs of how to get started and it comes down to taking action. I’m going to give you the tips and tools you need to get over the hurdles and around the roadblocks that slow down your progress. From failure to indecisiveness to just overthinking problems, I’ve got some rules you can try out and the mindset I use to overcome it all and achieve high levels of success. SHOW NOTES:
Inevitable Failure | When failure feels inevitable because you lack enough interest [0:55]
Failure Defined | The parallel of failure to A.I., seeing it as a data point [1:08]
Maintaining Interest | Getting excited and 2 types of energy to hold your interest [3:09]
Zero Experience | Getting started with no experience and not sure how to start [7:10]
Indecisiveness | How to make progress when you’re not good at making decisions [11:16]
72 Hour Rule | Setting time limit rules to stop overthinking and procrastination [20:34]
Build Desire | Tom explains the process it takes to build desire [22:29]
Do You Want It | Tom reveals why you’ve got to want success [28:49]
Timeline Advantage | Tom on the advantage of success on a long enough timeline [33:11] QUOTES:
“There's only two reasons you're going to give up, you get bored, or you encounter an insecurity.” [5:52] “Make sure that you change your relationship to failure, failure is incredibly useful.” [6:41] “When it comes to figuring out where to start. The truthful answer is, guess and get going” [7:28] “You're not going to think your way to success, you are definitely going to get in there and DO your way to success [...] There's no magical first step.” [9:24] “I don't allow myself to think, even if it's true, anything that moves me away from my goals.” [15:48] “When people are procrastinating when they give up when they seem to lack grit. The reality is you just don't want it badly enough.” [29:08] “If you think you're a loser, but you don't have proof, there's hoping that when you try something and you lose, now, it's for real.” [31:45] “you can have anything you want in life if you’re willing to pay the price to get it - if you want to have the stamina to pay the price it is all about building desire” [36:29] YOUTUBE SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction to Q & A
0:55 | Feeling Like You Will Fail
1:08 | Redefining Failure with A.I.
3:09 | How to Sustain Interest
7:10 | Starting With Zero Experience
11:16 | Struggling With Decisions
20:34 | Overthinking & Stalling
22:29 | Process to Build Desire
28:49 | You’ve Got To Want Success
33:11 | The Long Timeline Advantage

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