Pick the Wildflowers by Tracy Lee Thompson

Pick the Wildflowers by Tracy Lee Thompson

Struggling with old age, ninety-four-year-old Toby Mitchell gives a moving account of his life. Taken back to 1935 and against the backdrop of a small country town, Toby shares the bond he has with his older brother, Bill. When the tide of rejection sweeps across the tiny town because of their mother's illness, they gather the strength to push through those prejudice moments. Their brotherhood is soon tested when they both fall in love with the same girl, Hildy, a socialite from a wealthy, prominent family. Even though she is from a different world, Hildy accepts the boys and is swept up into their simple way of life. That is until one life-altering day changes everything. Devasting circumstances tear them apart. Over the years, Toby's love for Hildy refuses to fade. The events of that awful day still haunt him. In desperation he flees the only home he has ever known. As time passes, he soon discovers the new life is not what he hoped for and begins to question everything, including the love he still feels for Hildy. Amid the darkness, Toby finds in his new world, he comes to realise the emotional journey was all worth it. To learn more or order the book:

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