The FUTURE of Investing and How You Capitalize on The Current Financial REVOLUTION | Richard Craib

The FUTURE of Investing and How You Capitalize on The Current Financial REVOLUTION | Richard Craib

This episode is sponsored by BluBlox. Go to for 15% off your order or use discount code ImpactTheory at checkout. Decentralization has sparked more conversation and opinions than we can track. As people become more aware of the cracks in the current financial system, solutions to the ways through and over those existing barriers become more appealing. Richard Craib is the founder of the crowdsourced quant hedge fund, Numerai, which is using sophisticated machine learning to create models that essentially predict how the stock market moves. During this conversation with Tom, Richard is sharing how crypto is breaking the barriers of the old financial system that was meant to protect people, while effectively keeping everyone out. This is another resource that can be really useful in seeing the bitcoin revolution, blockchain and cryptocurrency in another light, especially through the lens of finance. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction Richard Craib
0:55 | Financial System Barrier
7:29 | Blocking Innovation
13:07 | Navigating 2 Money Systems
18:13 | Crowd Validation & Volume
24:42 | Machine Learning Models
31:44 | Hedge Funds and Stocks
39:08 | What Happened With Gamestop
44:26 | Decentralized Capitalism
51:12 | Unstoppable Technology
1:00:38 | Bank Regulation Traps
1:08:01 | Staking Benefit for Internet
1:15:46 | Being a Quant Trader
1:22:08 | Math Language in Crypto
1:31:21 | Thinking from 1st Principles
1:34:55 | Entrepreneurship Advice QUOTES: “You have to find a way to tie the community into the success of a product and company. And if you fail to do that you will fail in business, you will fail in finance, you will fail in everything.” Tom Bilyeu [53:56] “You're not in any position of real ownership. And, and that is what crypto changes and the and that's very, very powerful difference” [55:40] “The difference between owning something forever, and being this kind of like sort of like slave to a system is a very different mindset.” [56:16] “That's an incredible thing to change, to feel like your relationship with your physical world is somehow fragile, but then the relationship with the digital world is actually fixed and permanent and doesn't need police. And so that's a very powerful thing to be aware of.” [57:49] “If you can think from first principles, you really can do something original. But if you don't, you can't.” [1:32:56] “It's very easy to predict the future, when you have a few things to rely on.” [1:33:51] “Don't start a company unless you're prepared to make it your life's work.” [1:36:44] Follow Richard Craib:
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