Use These CALMING Techniques to Relax In MINUTES

Use These CALMING Techniques to Relax In MINUTES

Big goals require DISCIPLINE. By it's very nature, discipline requires you to do hard things - and that is a skill you can LEARN. I'm teaching my process to build Ironclad Discipline in a new workshop - you can register at! “We can’t always change what’s happening around us, but we can change what happens within us.” - Andy Puddicombe, Headspace co-founder It’s been said that the mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. This is perhaps most apparent when we find ourselves overwhelmed by anxiety, negative thinking, and rumination. The question is, what can we do to regain mastery over our minds? What concrete steps can we take to self-soothe and get back to a state of equilibrium? Todays’ episode of Impact Theory answers those questions, and many more. I’ve assembled some of my favorite moments from past guest interviews, all revolving around combating the negative voice in our head. SHOW NOTES:
00:00 | Introduction
00:43 | What is anxiety?
03:38 | Understand yourself
07:53 | Don’t overthink
17:05 | Meditate
23:22 | Pay attention to your body
27:58 | Stay Positive QUOTES:
“When you hear that voice, you start to feel the anxiety like, ‘Oh, there's Mr. Anxiety guy again.’ Or you try and control, and it's like, ‘Oh, there's my control freak. I wonder what he's trying to control?’ Or, ‘There's my angry reactive guy going again.’ It allows that kind of distance to know that I don't have to be a victim to these characters that live within me.” - Rainn Wilson [07:31] “The first step is to recognize that what you're telling yourself is not true - it's distorted. The second thing is to realize that it's kind of mean spirited, what you're doing to yourself.” - David Burns [10:11] “We don't practice consistently enough. Even those of us with a meditation practice where maybe that's the purpose of that one or two or five minutes where I'm sitting. My question always remains, ‘What about the rest of your day?’” - Nicole LePera [17:31] “Basically, the default state is one of being attacked and ambushed all the time by your thoughts and by your reactivity and by your being taken in by assumptions and illusions.” - Sam Harris [21:03] “You can actually change the structures of your brain by meditating. Let that land. You can change the physical structure of your brain by meditating. You become more emotionally resilient, you become more able to focus on a task over long periods of time. A lot of really fascinating things happen when you meditate.” - Tom Bilyeu [22:40] “What's the structure where you get the most out of repetition? What is the perfect spot where meditative breathing hits that sweet spot for people, and they'll increase it if it continues to benefit them?” - Rahul Jandial [25:22] Follow Rainn Wilson:
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