Navy Seals Survival Story About Being AMBUSHED Will Leave You Speechless & Inspired | Jason Redman

Navy Seals Survival Story About Being AMBUSHED Will Leave You Speechless & Inspired | Jason Redman

My amazing and talented wife Lisa is releasing her new book Radical Confidence, which you can preorder - and get the bonuses she’s created for you - at When you read this book, Lisa will teach you 10 No-BS Life Lessons to become the hero of your own life and take MASSIVE bold action to achieve your potential! Are you feeling you are lacking motivation or are unsure how to achieve your goals? Then head on over to There you can register and get access to a free workshop. It’s a simple fact of being a human that, at some point in your life, you’re going to face adversity. The question is - how are you going to choose to face it? What will be your mentality? Will you choose the victim mentality? Or the victor mentality? When Former Navy SEAL Jason Redman was severely wounded by a spray of machine gun fire in Iraq, he had a choice: either assume the same victimhood narrative as everyone around him… Or hold fast to what he calls the Overcome Mindset. In today’s episode, Jason tells his incredible story of how he became a Navy SEAL against all odds, bounced back from failure as a leader, and not only recovered from a firefight that nearly killed him… But rose to become a voice of courage and leadership in the wounded warrior community. SHOW NOTES:
00:00 | Overcoming the Odds
10:33 | Fighting Against the Victim Mentality
26:44 | How the Overcome Mindset Works
29:12 | Becoming a Navy SEAL
41:32 | Jason’s Near-Fatal Firefight
56:37 | Dealing With Aftermath
1:06:40 | No Bad Days
1:16:00 | What Defines Good Leadership QUOTES:
“The greatest gift you have is you have a choice. You have a choice. Freewill is one of the greatest things we have as humans.” [05:31] “A victim mentality limits your success in this life. You know, you will stay wherever you are, and you will achieve the limit of what you believe.” [12:38] “Sitting there and focusing all your blame and time on the fact that your perfect plan, or something happened, or your world got thrown upside down, accomplishes nothing - nothing.” [17:32] “We think that we need to be tough and do these things on our own. But sometimes, you know, it's okay to get help. It's okay to say I'm struggling, especially mentally.” [59:15] “At the end of the day, leadership, teamwork, your ability to overcome adversity… all those things are within us.” [1:11:38] Follow Jason Redman:
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